Grow capital at a high rate of return over a long period.

We don’t believe in making long term predictions on what the market might do in the distant future. Instead, our AI driven approach leverages pattern recognition and other technical tools, to identify the prevailing trend direction for specific instruments, within a 15 – 60 minute timeframe. This is paired with a proprietary machine learning model that manages the strategies’ risk.

Inyasha Capital Management seeks to achieve high risk adjusted returns with low volatility and correlation to traditional fixed income and equity markets. Our trading models are broken out into two main categories; Divergence and momentum.

We primarily trade G7 currency pairs. Our decision to focus on foreign currencies was made because of the deep liquidity this market offers as well the embedded scalability a large market like FX provides. However, we are actively testing our strategies on other markets and will be rolling out equity and cryptocurrency products in the near term.